A headshot of Hillary Steinberg smiling with flowers in the background.

About Me

I am a Survey Statistician in the Methods Panel and Coordination in the American Community Survey Division of the United States Census. I previously worked in the Data Collection Methodology and Research Branch in the Economic Statistical Methods Division. I am a mixed methods respondent researcher with expertise in qualitative methods. I work as a project manager and researcher on respondent research.

I was the Health Services Research and Policy Postdoctoral Fellow at the AJ Drexel Autism Institute from 2021-2022. I received my doctorate in sociology from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2021. My research focuses on youth wellbeing and identity. For my dissertation, I used qualitative methods to focus on how pediatric patients understand themselves in a major children’s hospital.

My areas of interest include:

  • Childhood and Youth

  • Health

  • Social Psychology

  • Disability

I am a New Yorker and earned my bachelor’s in sociology and biology with a concentration in genetics from Stony Brook University. I accessed higher education through a combination of scholarships and Pell Grants, and this drives much of my commitment to supporting students and research participants.

You can get in touch with me at hillary.steinberg@census.gov hillary.rachel.steinberg@drexel.edu and @actualdrhillary.